31 de Julio de 2020

The lack of fluidity and solidification of the contents or deposits in silos, hoppers, suction circuits and cooling elements is a problem that affects at a remarkable level the ceramics industry. This problem can be reduced in an efficient way using acoustic cleaning systems that, applied regularly, prevent and reduce its incidence drastically.


Talleres FORO introduces in the ceramics market the SAFEFON acoustic cleaners that can be used in silos, hoppers, bag filters, cooling elements (like fan blades), suction circuits, bucket conveyors for body powder etc.


This system is based in the generation of low frequency and high intensity sonic waves that carry a level of acoustic energy that makes the powder deposits vibrate, releasing the material and exercising a fluidizing effect on them. The system is composed of simple functioning elements with high reliability and little maintenance.



Contact info

Avda. Manuel Escobedo n°2, 12200 ONDA (Castellón) España

T. +34 964 60 18 51 · F. +34 964 60 24 04 · E. foro@talleresforo.com

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